Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The (De) Nickel Code

So it begins.
Researched and formed since 2002.
Assembled and created since 2010.
Revealed in these last days.

Released 2/18/2015

No, this is not like Da Vinci Code, but it does involve De-Troit, De-Head, De-Nike, De-Feet.
The code is in its name, and the key to the code is in its symbol. We now have everything to open the lock to the mystery. However this mystery is not hidden. It was made visible in the first revelation to the churches.
May those who have vision, see.
Nickel is the name and Ni is its symbol.
Can you reveal the truth before it is made visible?

Released 2/19/2015

You have the privilege of joining this adventure half way through. Initially we were delivered only a series of clues. Some clues turned up pieces of a puzzle that have yet to find a place. Other clues revealed corner pieces of a magnificent foundation. The best clues gave us an outline of the big picture. But the most difficult piece, though be it the most rewarding was that of Nickel.
Nickel fits everywhere. It binds pieces together. It is a map. It unlocks. It is the litmus test. But it means nothing without the other clues.

Chapter 1
Old Man
It is a moderately sized airport. The lobby is busy with late morning travelers.
Public address messages ring out, “Act of boarding is delayed for flight 16 bound for Bithynia at gates 7 through 10.” - “Attention please. Would Mr. Nickel please meet his party in the main lobby.”
Meandering in the crowd is a tall, lean, elderly man.
Near the center of the lobby he abruptly stops and stares transfixed ahead for several minutes.
People scurry past, taking no notice.
Eventually he takes a step back, turns around and meanders on down a concourse.
His path intersects the path of a 35-year-old brunet, formally attired, and traveling with her 10-year-old daughter.
Rather than stepping to the side he stops directly in front of her and says, with a congenial smile, "I have a message - Seek God - Come with me and listen."
The woman hesitates, then replies, "Excuse me, sir! We have a flight to catch."
The old man reiterates softly, "Seek God. Come with me and listen."
The woman responds, "What do you mean, where?  Oh, please let us pass!"
The daughter, sensing the consternation in her moms voice tugs at her arm impatiently and interjects, with a worried look on her face, "Let's go mom."
They step to the side and brusquely bypass the man, then move on toward their destination.
He turns, expressionless, his gaze following them as they walk away.
Ten or fifteen paces away, both mom and daughter glance back to see if he is following. They make eye contact for an instant, and he proceeds to follow, but not at a rate to overtake them. Sensing this, they proceed with normal haste.
But then the old man comes into the path of three boisterous young men dressed in black baggy clothing and unconventional hairstyles.
They are bantering loudly and jostling one another about as they walk, inconsiderate of others.
Other travelers move to the side, yielding to their spirited behavior, but the man stops dead in their path.
The middle young man practically runs into the old man, and recoils dramatically before stopping. He intimidates, "Hey dude, what's up with you, old man."
The old man slowly and intentionally appraises each one until their attention and gaze is fixed on him. Then he fixes his attention to the middle one, but by the volume of his voice, addresses all three, "I have a message. Seek God. Come with me and listen."
The young man chuckles, "Yaw dude, right on," and displays the peace sign in a mocking gesture perceiving that the man is a 60's hippie holdover.
The old man replies adamantly, "I have a message for each of you. Seek God. Come with me and listen."
Another young man breaks the tension and interjects in a sympathetic manner, "Hey old man, we would but we got a plane to catch. Go talk to some one else." He immediately moves onward and the others follow as they bypass the old man.
The old man turns and watches expectantly as they walk down the concourse.
As they walk away, they each, at different times, steal a glance back at the old man, and each makes momentary eye contact.
And then he follows them at their own leisurely pace, until he walks into the path of a businessman having an Asian appearance.
The old man smiles warmly and stands with an attitude as if greeting an expected acquaintance.
The businessman smiles back cordially, unsure if he should recognize this stranger.
The old man greets in the native language of the businessman, "For you, I have a message - Seek God - With me, come and listen."
The businessman, quite astonished by the language and the message replies, "What," in English.
The old man repeats in English, "I have a message for you. Seek God. Come with me and listen."
The businessman contemplates for a few seconds, then replies, "Where?”
The old man elaborates, "Just over here," and nods toward a vacant area in the center of the terminal.
The businessman looks perplexed but says, "Okay, but I soon have a meeting."
Together they move toward the space. When they enter it they both stop and stare in a transfixed manner at nothing in particular, for several minutes.
Eventually they each turn about and walk away in separate directions, never looking back at one another.
Chapter 2

A message is heard, from the public address system, “2 Chronicles Chapter 9.”
In the airport security office, an uniformed man is diligently monitoring numerous surveillance displays.
While dutifully making his routine rounds, the security supervisor comes into the room and they greet cordially.
The supervisor asks routinely, "Any unusual activity?"
The security man replies formally, "Nothing unusual, every thing appears normal."
The supervisor encourages, "Great. I know it is a tedious job, but keep up the good work. You never know when something strange is going to happen."
The security man, picking up on the word, strange, decides to elaborate, "Well there is something a little strange I have noticed in the last hour or so, but I don't think it is anything to be alarmed about."
The supervisor replies curiously, "Well. What do you have?"
The security man, in an inquisitive manner, elaborates, "There is just this space in the center of the lobby that no one appears to walk through. There is no reason for them to avoid it. It is like we have some barriers set up there, but we don't."
The supervisor replies, "That's curious.” After a second of contemplation he adds, “Let me see the tapes."
The tapes rewind and display in fast motion on the monitor, revealing a 10' diameter space that everyone moves past but not through. There are many people but their paths do not intersect the space, except for one person near the start of the tape, and again several minutes later, with another man.
The supervisor orders, “Wait! Stop there.”
The security man relates, "Well, I did notice them, but that is what brought my attention to the space in the first place. They just stood there for awhile and then turned around and walked away. I thought, perhaps they were looking for someone else to meet, there in the center. But when they moved away, no one else moved through the area."
The supervisor investigated, "Is this normal on other days or at other hours?"
The security officer replied, "Not as far as I know of. I never noticed it before."
The supervisor instructed him to review some old tapes and report the findings. And then added, "Can I get a copy of this tape? I want to review it with administration and see if they have changed anything like placement of ticket counters or baggage check points, things like that, that might effect the way travelers move about the lobby."
Chapter 3
Another message is heard, from the public address system, “2 Corinthians Chapter 9.”
The uniformed security monitor glances at the display showing the airport lobby, ticket counter.
The security supervisor and an airport administrator are conversing with the woman ticket clerk.
They are studying the display of a laptop computer and the security tapes.
The administrator, obviously unconcerned with security matters, comments, "If there is an area that no one uses, then we can put a kiosk or advertisement there, and make use of the space." He asks of the clerk, "Have you noticed any reason why people would avoid that area over there, motioning the center of the lobby?"
As their attention moves, they see the old man standing in the space. "What's going on here," asks the administrator?
The clerk contemplates audibly, "Hmm, I think I remember that man from earlier this morning, but he should have departed by now."
"I think you are right," the supervisor adds. "Let me run this tape back some more. Yes, right here, this morning at 8:42. He walked from your booth, over to that spot and stopped, just like he is standing right now. Bring up the records from this morning. Who is he, where was he supposed to go? While your doing that I'm going to have a word with this man."
The supervisor walked over toward the space, but for some inexplicable reason stopped short of entering the area. He spoke to the old man and greeted, “Hello there sir. What are you doing? Find something interesting?”
The old man replied casually "I have a message. Seek God. Come here and listen."
"Yaw, yaw," the supervisor agreed, "later perhaps. But why don't you come with me and we can find out where you are supposed to be right now," suspecting that some mental incapacity had afflicted the old man.
But the space phenomenon still bothered him, and he looked about the area seeking clues.
The old man graciously complied and walked over to the ticket counter with the supervisor.
The supervisor casually asked for the old mans ID. "Can I have a look at your ID for a minute sir?"
The old man retrieved his ID card and the supervisor studied at it in puzzlement. In the space for his name it had the nickel symbol followed by some illegible scratching. The rest of the card was blank, no address, no city, but the photo matched perfectly.
"There has to be something wrong here," interjected the clerk. "That appears to be the ID he showed me this morning, but that is not the information it contained, and obviously it does not match his ticket information or I would not have issued a boarding pass."
Their attention is turned to the empty space, as they follow the gaze of old man.
The uniformed security monitor adjusts the zoom of the camera to reveal the four people standing together at the ticket counter, and staring at the space in the center of the lobby, where the Asian businessman now stood, staring at nothing.
End of disclosure.
Beginning of Triadic Discourse.

 What are the obvious clues?

 Is there a message or interpretation inherent in the main story line?

 What do the different characters or their roles represent?

 What is meant by certain dialogue elements?

 What is the significance of the setting, an airport?


Obvious Clues
1. Because it is repeated numerous times, the old man’s message, "I have a message - Seek God - Come with me and listen."
2. Because it says it is a message, “2 Chronicles Chapter 9.”
3. For the same reason, because it announces itself as a message, “2 Corinthians Chapter 9.” And because they are so similar.
4. And now, because the first public address message sets a pattern of revelation at the start of each chapter and has familiar terms in it, “Act of boarding is delayed for flight 16 bound for Bithynia at gates 7 through 10.” Possibly Acts 16:7-10 and relating to Bithynia.
5. Also in the first message, “Attention please. Would Mr. Nickel please meet his party in the main lobby.”
6. His ID, the symbol for Nickel. But what is it?

End of first day
Beginning of Second day
Released 2/19/2015

Interpretation of story-line
It appears that the old man is trying to lead people to God.
Character roles
Collectively they might represent the peoples of world.
Mr. Nickel, the old man – perseverance, fearless, congenial,
The 35 year old brunette mother – courtesy
The 10 year old daughter – discernment
The three young men – self absorbed
The business man with Asian appearance – appearances are deceiving, receptive
The security man – dutiful, steadfast
The security supervisor – thinker, analyzer, proactive
The airport administrator – clever
The ticket clerk – observant
Dialog elements. Evaluation.
Everything is present tense.
"I have a message - Seek God - Come with me and listen."
I have a message: That means the old man is a messenger for some other person.
Seek God: The message. An impearative. Requires submission by the recipient.
Come with me: Provides the action requested.
And listen: The response. Don’t only hear the words, listen to them.
Listen is connected to the action part.
"Excuse me, sir! We have a flight to catch."
"What do you mean, where?  Oh, please let us pass!"
Too busy with life to be bothered.
"Let's go mom."
Did the girl mean to go with the old man, or to go about their business?
"Hey dude, what's up with you, old man."
"Yaw dude, right on,"
"I have a message for each of you. Seek God. Come with me and listen."
The message is personal.
"Hey old man, we would but we got a plane to catch. Go talk to some one else."
Too busy with life to be bothered.
"For you, I have a message - Seek God - With me, come and listen."
"I have a message for you. Seek God. Come with me and listen."
"Just over here,"
"Okay, but I soon have a meeting."
"Any unusual activity?"
Not concerned about suspicious activity, but unusual.
"Nothing unusual, every thing appears normal."
"Great. I know it is a tedious job, but keep up the good work. You never know when something strange is going to happen."
Strange is different than unusual. Unusual happens. Strange shouldn’t happen.
"Well there is something a little strange I have noticed in the last hour or so, but I don't think it is anything to be alarmed about."
Concerned with alarming situations.
"Well. What do you have?"
"There is just this space in the center of the lobby that no one appears to walk through. There is no reason for them to avoid it. It is like we have some barriers set up there, but we don't."
The space is important.
"That's curious.”
“Let me see the tapes."
“Wait! Stop there.”
Of the hundreds of people observed, no one got attention except the ones who set themselves apart.
"Well, I did notice them, but that is what brought my attention to the space in the first place. They just stood there for awhile and then turned around and walked away. I thought, perhaps they were looking for someone else to meet, there in the center. But when they moved away, no one else moved through the area."
"Is this normal on other days or at other hours?"
It stands out.
"Not as far as I know of. I never noticed it before."
"Can I get a copy of this tape? I want to review it with administration and see if they have changed anything like placement of ticket counters or baggage check points, things like that, that might effect the way travelers move about the lobby."
Seeking a natural explanation to a spiritual phenomenon.
"If there is an area that no one uses, then we can put a kiosk or advertisement there, and make use of the space."
Covering or masking the phenomena.
"Have you noticed any reason why people would avoid that area over there, motioning the center of the lobby?"
"What's going on here,"
Another instance of the phenomenon, with witnesses.
"Hmm, I think I remember that man from earlier this morning, but he should have departed by now."
"I think you are right,"
"Let me run this tape back some more. Yes, right here, this morning at 8:42. He walked from your booth, over to that spot and stopped, just like he is standing right now. Bring up the records from this morning. Who is he, where was he supposed to go? While your doing that I'm going to have a word with this man."
“Hello there sir. What are you doing? Find something interesting?”
"I have a message. Seek God. Come here and listen."
The old man had attracted an audience of one person and he responded personally.
"Yaw, yaw,"
"later perhaps. But why don't you come with me and we can find out where you are supposed to be right now,"
"Can I have a look at your ID for a minute sir?"
"There has to be something wrong here,"
"That appears to be the ID he showed me this morning, but that is not the information it contained, and obviously it does not match his ticket information or I would not have issued a boarding pass."
Objective approach or thought pattern.

Significance of setting – an airport.
An airport is a gathering place for people of all nations, but it is transitory.
People are not staying at the airport.
People are waiting.
People are dependent upon other people and systems.
All people must submit to authorities.
People have to trust in the physics of air travel.


What does the Nickel symbol look like?
Significance of the message, "2 Corinthians Chapter 9."
Significance of the message, "2 Chronicles Chapter 9."
Significance of the message, “Act of boarding is delayed for flight 16 bound for Bithynia at gates 7 through 10.” Possibly Acts 16:7-10 and relating to Bithynia.
Nickel symbol

A nickel is a monetary division in coin form valued at .05 dollar or 5 cents. Is 5¢ the symbol?

A nickel coin represents the number five. It brings to mind a five-pointed star, the lug-bolts on a wheel, or the Pentagon building. It the five-pointed star the symbol? Or is a pentagon the symbol?

The US nickel coin has two surfaces or faces, heads and tails, On its heads face is an engraving of a head, that of Thomas Jefferson, the 3rd US president. On its back surface is an engraving of his home, Monticello.
On older coins there was an engraving of a buffalo, thus the name tales. Are one of those images the symbol for nickel? Is the nickel coin itself the symbol since it symbolizes the foundation of the US?

The pentacle is a five pointed star used in magic and the dark arts. It is sometimes portrayed inverted with one of its points down and also enclosed within a circle. Is a pentacle the symbol?

The first five books of the Bible are the Pentateuch. Is there a relationship to the symbol.

Nickel is an element, a metal. Its chemical symbol is Ni. Is Ni the symbol?

Let’s look closer at the Nickel element.
Obviously it makes things shiny, silvery in appearance.

A dictionary defines nickel as: Ger. Kupfernickel, copper devil, demon, rascal from the deceptive copper-like ore that contains no copper. St Nicholas’s (Old Nick’s) copper.

It is said to have been found infrequently along with copper ore and in its ore form has a similar appearance to copper ore.

Nickel comprises about 15% of Earth core at a temperature hotter than the surface of the Sun. However there is very little earth originated nickel in the crust of the earth. Most accessable nickel comes from meteror impact sites. One of the largest sources is at Sudbury, Ontario Canada, about 200 miles north of Detroit. Indonesia is another major source.

Nickel occurs in pentlandite and noccolite ore, usually as the result of large meteor impacts. Please note the presence of the root “pent” for 5 in pentlandite.
Pentlandite is a sulfide mineral which is based on the sulfur element.
Nickel seldom occurs in its natural elemental form.

On the periodic table Nickel is between Cobalt and Copper

atomic number 28;
atomic weight 58.6934;
melting point 1455°C, 2651°F;
boiling point 2913°C, 4275°F;
specific gravity 8.902;
valence 0, 1, 2, 3.
Ferromagnetic, hard, ductile, malleable metal used for alloys, plating, batteries and as a catalyst.

As a catalyst it is used to convert low quality vegetable oil into hydrogenated margarine and frying fats.
In its finely graded catalyst form it absorbs high volume of hydrogen. Then in the processing of the oils it releases that hydrogen into the oils. These products literally become false fats and they have been found to be detrimental to good health.
Nickel catalyst is made by Grace – literally the Grace company. The Grace company produces many fine products, however they have a false front as they are a chemical processing company affiliated with the likes of Dow Chemical, Union Carbide, and Monsanto.

Processed as an alloy with steel Nickel forms stainless steel for food processing and armor plating.
The nickel coin contains about 25% nickel and 75% copper.
The very high melting point and boiling point of Nickel are what make it an effective armor plate.

According to Encarta Encyclopedia, Nickel was used as coinage in nickel-copper alloys for several thousand years.
Nickel was not recognized as an elemental substance until 1751 when the Swedish chemist Baron Axel Frederic Cronstedt isolated the metal from niccolite ore.

Significance of the message, "2 Corinthians Chapter 9."
2 Corinthians Chapter 9 is a letter sent to the Church of Corinth by the Apostle Paul.
Sometime after Paul’s second visit to Corinth and while he was in Macedonia (presently Northern Greece), probably Thessalonika, he sent the letter. The subject of Chapter 9 was encouragement and generous benevolence to the ministry.
There was much wealth in Corinth, Greece near Athens.
Macedonia at that time was immediately South of the present country of Macedonia.
Keywords: Paul, Travel, Corinth, Macedonia, Thessalonika, encourage, benevolence, money.
Significance of the message, "2 Chronicles Chapter 9."
Both "2 Chronicles Chapter 9" and "2 Corinthians Chapter 9" deal with money or wealth.
In the word Chronicles, 'nicles' sounds like nickel.
2 Chronicles Chapter 9 is about King Solomon.
It talks about the Queen of Sheba, Solomon's wisdom and his wealth of silver and gold, then his death.
King Hiram of Tyre brought Gold from Ophir. Tyre is on the Mediterranean coast, part of Phoenicia.
The weight of the Gold that Solomon received annually was 666 talents (about 25 tons).
We recognize that this Chapter is about Solomon’s secular / worldly kingdom, not like the first seven chapters about the temple and Godly matters.
Keywords: King Solomon, Queen of Sheba, King Hiram, Tyre, Ophir, wisdom, wealth, silver, gold, death, 666.

End of Second day
Beginning of Third day

Released 2/22/2015

Significance of the message, “Act of boarding is delayed for flight 16 bound for Bithynia at gates 7 through 10.”
Acts 16:7-10 and relating to Bithynia.
This is where Timothy joined Paul and Silas during Paul’s second evangelical mission trip.
They traveled in the western area of what is now Turkey, also known as Anatolia.
6 and having gone through Phrygia and the region of Galatia, having been forbidden by the Holy Spirit to speak the word in Asia,
7 having gone toward Mysia, they were trying to go on toward Bithynia, and the Spirit did not suffer them,
They would have been traveling a serpentine route proceeding northward through central Turkey near Ancyra. Then they would have traveled westward into what was then a region called Asia, but not yet the Roman Province of Asia, roughly the size of West Virginia. But they were forbidden to speak the word by the Holy Spirit.
So then they went toward Mysia, north of Asia to enter the region of Bythynia. Bithynia would have been north west of Mysia and contains the capital city Nicomedia as well as Nicaea. It was this area that the Spirit would not let them enter.
Some modern Bible versions add the words, “of Jesus,” to the word, “Spirit,” in verse 7, but there is no indication in any original manuscript of such words. There is only a word meaning Spirit.
We can’t help but notice the presence of the Ni symbol in Nicomedia and Nicaea.

End of Third day
Beginning of Fourth day

Released 2/29/2015

It is necessary to clarify the definition of some terms that will be used in order to avoid ambiguity.
To differentiate the various uses of the word church, the grouping of people will be called ecclesia, and the place will be called theater. The governing institution will be called synod.
The ecclesia consists of individuals and the grouping of those individuals, but not necessarily in a gathering place. Ecclesia are the people of a community.
Think not of theater as a place of performance but of theater in its military application, or sphere of engagement or activity. A theater is the physical attributes of a building or geographical attributes of a community.
Synod is the term used by many, if not most church institutions to describe a governing body.
Church will be used when referring to the collective of those ascribing to be of Christ Jesus.
An ecumenical council is an assembly of theologians, bishops and other church (ecclesia) representatives (synod) of different churches or dioceses (theaters) that is convened to regulate matters of discipline or doctrine.

Nicaea (Nicea)
Considering Nicaea we are reminded of the Council of Nicaea (325 AD). It was an ecumenical gathering of church(ecclesia) leaders. There were many ecumenical gatherings preceding the Council of Nicaea and many after. The seventh ecumenical council was the Second Council of Nicaea in 787 AD.
The Council of Nicaea, subsequently known as the First Council of Nicaea is recognized for establishing the Nicaean(Nicene) Creed which defined the triune nature of the Godhead in terms of mankind. It was more instrumental to the establishment of the authority of mankind over the body of the church (ecclesia). This became the foundation for Catholicism and Orthodoxy.

The Council of Nicaea is notable as the medium through which Constantine established his authority to legitimized Christianity.
Briefly, this is how it happened. The Roman Empire had failed to put down the growth of the church. Constantine needed to unify the Empire. There were some doctrinal discrepancies concerning how to describe the deity of Jesus and the date of Easter. Constantine used this factor to call for the Nicaen Ecumenical Council at the financial expense of the Empire. Constantine presided over the sessions. After much debate and many votes there was general agreement except for Eusebius, bishop of Nicomedia, Theognis of Nice, Maris of Chalcedon, Theonas of Marmarica, and Secundus of Ptolemaïs.

Nicaea was founded in the 4th century BC by the Macedonian king Monophthalmus. Constantine chose Nicaea as the location for the council because of its close proximity to his palace in Nicomedia. The Seljuk Turks captured Nicea in 1081 and renamed it Iznik. (Note the presence of the nickel symbol, ni).

Nicomedia was initially known as Astacus or Olbia. The city was rebuilt by King Nicomedes I of Bithynia in the third century before Christ and became the capitol of the kingdom of Bithynia. Nicomedes I was the second king following his father Zipoetes 1. Family rulers of the area trace back two generations through Bas and Boteiras to at least 376 BC. There were 10 kings in the family line over Bithynia, four of whom took the name Nicomedes. The tenth king, and last, Nicomedes IV bequeathed the kingdom to the Roman Republic in 74 BC. Constantine used Nicomedia as the interim capitol of the Roman Empire while the city of Byzantium was re-built and became Constantinople in 330 AD. After the area was conquered by the Ottoman Turks in 1326 the name of the city of Nicomedia was changed to Izmit.

Bithynia, as noted above, was a kingdom that covered the northwest Anatolian peninsula, south of the Black Sea.
From an historical view, the names Bithynia, Byzantium and the Byzantine can lead to confusion. We will explain.
Byzantium was a city on the Bosphorus Straight between Europe and Asia joining the Black Sea to the Mediterranean. It was founded by Greek colonists in 657 BC.
Bithynia’s name comes from the tribe of Bithyni that emigrated from Thrace. Historically it appears to have been governmentally independent of Byzantium until conquered by Alexander the Great in 334 BC. In about 300 – 280 BC it gained its independence from Greece and became a kingdom with its chief city being Nicaea. In 74 BC it became part of the Roman Empire and subsequently a province of Bithynia/Pontus.
Byzantiun was rebuilt by Septimus Severus around 200 AD and was subsequently renamed to Constantinople in 330 AD by Constantine when he made it the capitol of the Roman Empire.
The eastern portion of the Roman Empire became known historically as the Byzantine Empire, although it was not referred to as such during the time of the Roman Empire. The city of Byzantium had become known as Constantinople long before the word Byzantine was applied to the eastern portion of the later Roman Empire.
The relationship between Bithynia and Byzantine is that the center of government for the Byzantine Empire was in Bithynia. There may be a linguistic relationship in the spelling but we have no evidence.
The period of the Roman Empire was from 27 BC to 476 AD in the west and 610 AD in the east.
The Byzantine period, or Eastern Roman Empire, overlapped and is considered to have been from 330 AD to 1453 AD.
Constantinople became known as Istanbul during the 1920’s.
Catholicism is from the Greek word, “katholikismos,” which means universal.
Orthodoxy is more complex. Each of its two root words have dual meaning. It resolves to, “correct belief,” and, “true worship,” together.
Catholicism is not without Orthodoxy, however the Great Schism in the eleventh century separated usage of terms. Similarly, Orthodoxy has elements of Catholicism since that is where it began.


The Province of Asia and the seven church’s of Revelation.
In Acts

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